2025년 1월 16일 목요일

----K-crafts are all the rage these days - BBC News Korea - (요즘 K-공예가 뜬다- BBC News 코리아----) ---The surprising identity of Korean craft technology that has dominated the global luxury watch market..ㄷㄷ----

 ----K-crafts are all the rage these days - BBC News Korea -

(요즘 K-공예가 뜬다- BBC News 코리아----)

---The surprising identity of Korean craft technology that has dominated the global luxury watch market..ㄷㄷ----

(전세계 명품시계 시장을 도배해버린 한국 공예 기술의 놀라운 정체..ㄷㄷ----)

------‘What is most Korean is the most global’...People who make K-crafts.

('가장 한국적인 것이 가장 세계적이다')

------A workshop startup is generating hundreds of millions of dollars in sales through handmade accessories.

(공방 창업 핸드메이드 소품으로 억대 매출 올리고 있어요-- ---)

------ The reason why Bill Gates swept up an item that was treated as a trash in Korea for 10 billion won: “It’s so beautiful that anyone will fall in love with it”-----

(Why Bill Gates paid $10 billion for an item that was considered an object in Korea “It's so beautiful that anyone can fall in love with it.”--)

(한국에선 애물단지 취급받던 물건을 빌게이츠가 100억 주고 싹쓸이한 이유 "누구라도 반할만큼 아름답다"---------------)





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